HIB and Anti-Bullying Information
Beginning with the September 2011-2012 school year, our school district/school has conscientiously implemented the requirements found in the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act by giving students an overview of how HIB is defined in the law. Terms that are utilized in the law that students may be unfamiliar with are defined and explained. Upon completion of the lessons facilitated by our school Anti-Bully Specialist students are required to take a test to see how well they comprehended the content.
During the first two years of implementation of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, our school district/school has made progress in addressing and improving harassment, intimidation, and bullying and the school climate and culture by teaching character education lessons with an emphasis on the six pillars. Conflict resolution lessons are also taught. Each year we observe the “Week of Respect” and “Peace Month” to increase the students’ abilities to be more tolerant of others’ differences and respectful towards their peers.
While completing the Self-Assessment, we learned that our school district/school has demonstrated strength in these areas: HIB instruction and HIB reporting procedures.
The Self-Assessment helped our school district/school to identify areas for improvement in the following areas: Addressing school climate. Next year, more of an effort will be made to meet more often with the SST (School Safety Team).
During the upcoming year, our school district/school will be working towards and seek involvement in improving educating the students on how to respect themselves and others. Simply having the basic foundation will definitely put our school on the right track to achieving a school climate that has zero tolerance for HIB.
Sharondra Walton, School Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist
Mildred Barry Garvin Elementary School
One Grove Place, East Orange, NJ 07017
(973) 673-5410 X58008
Candi Roman, District Safety Climate Culture Specialist/Bullying Coordinator
199 4th Avenue, East Orange, NJ 07017
862-233-7300 ext. 28360